Okay, let me back up. This image itself contains nothing offensive. Not to me, anyway. What I want to argue against here is how some people react to these tweets and the ideas contained within. Namely, the false equivalence fallacy. I'm surprised it took us this long to get to this one, to be honest. Basically, the entitled, whining assholes on the Internet really, really want to be oppressed. They will use tweets like those above to claim that the Left and the marginalized groups they support are just as bigoted as the right-wing reactionaries they claim to despise so much. If our universe were completely lacking in any kind of order or common sense, this might be valid, though even then it would be a stretch.
Here's the thing, guys. Power structures exist. White people and, yes, men, are the dominant group in power right now. This has, for the most part, always been the case. There is a tremendous difference between being able to pass laws that effect marginalized people and being mean on the Internet. Mustafa might be able to hurt your feelings, but she cannot pass laws that make it okay to pay you less for an honest day's work. There is an important power dynamic at play that people who make this argument seem to be blind to, and it's baffling.
Further, these kinds of things are simply jokes. I'm sure that statistically there are a few people who do take hash-tags like this seriously, but they are such a small section of the population that their not even worth acknowledging. I know that they're small because there has never been a murder based on Kill All White Men, whereas the number of racist hate crimes against black people is through the fucking roof.
The point is that Kill All Men was created for the express purpose of getting a rise out of reactionaries. It's about exposing them for the blithering thin-skinned idiots that they actually are. And, you know, you're not exactly proving them wrong here.
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