Hello and welcome to episode 13 of Men’s Rights Memes, the show where I sink my teeth into the twisted rhetoric of the reactionary children who make up the Men’s Rights Movement. I do that, so you don’t have to! Without further ado, here’s this episode’s offending image.
Now, this is one area where I actually find myself sympathizing with the Men’s Rights Movement. The suicide rate
among men is substantially higher than that of women. That’s not something that the majority of people know, and I think it does need to be talked about more often.

The MRAs lose my support when they assert that feminism is somehow to blame for that being the case. Women are not evil harpies whose only goal is to make your life a living hell. I know this might shock the MRAs, but women are just people. In fact, that’s yet another problem that is caused directly by the patriarchy. I’ve written about this ad nauseum on this blog before, but I think it bares repeating here.
Almost from birth, men are taught that they must be these strong, stoic robots. Showing emotion is often considered a sign of weakness, and God forbid you cry. Then, you’ll be told to ‘man up.’ Repressing emotion is almost a prerequisite for being considered manly.
This, of course, results in a huge problem. When men or boys do have problems, they can’t talk about them. This results in them feeling as though they are trapped, and the only way out becomes suicide.
So if the Men’s Rights Movement really cared about helping men, they would advocate for a more open society in which discussing feelings is normal and accepted. But that’s the thing, they don’t care about men’s issues. Their ‘activism,’ and I use the term loosely, is nothing more than an excuse for them to harass women on the internet. It’s time we start treating them that way.
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