Hello and welcome to episode five of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I rip
sexist arguments made by assholes with a persecution complex on the internet! Without further ado, here's this episode's offending image.
Oh, boy. I knew it was only a matter of time before we got to the most frequently cited example of female
privilege, the friendzone. In case you're new to the internet, the friendzone is yet another MRA talking point that does not actually exist. That doesn't stop these entitled man-babies from whining about it, though. No sir!
Anyway, the friendzone is this thing where men are nice to women
, and they then expect the women to repay
them for their kindness with sex acts. I'm not sure how this exchange works, exactly. Is there a scale? Like, listening to her talk about her hard day at work equates to one blowjob? One viewing of The Notebook is good for a night of 69ing?
Regardless, the friendzone is predicated on the idea that men should be rewarded for the tiniest thing. But somehow the MRAs have tricked themselves and others into believing that it puts women on a pedestal, rather than the other way around. Because clearly, having sex with a greasy, fedora-wearing slob is a wonderful opportunity. You should feel honored that some random neckbeard wants to jam his meatstick inside you repeatedly.
Here's the thing, though. I've heard one person claim that they were "friendzoned" because a woman refused to sleep with him after he took her out to dinner. And therein lies the problem. Some men assume that because they acted like a descent human being, they are somehow entitled to a reward. This is bullshit. If the only reason you act courteous to people is because you expect something in return, you're a prick. If you can't be nice to someone just because
it's the right thing to do, you have some deep physiological issues. That's probably why women won't sleep with you. Also, you're gross.
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