Oh, boy. Here we go with the old 'feminists are weak,' straw-man argument. This one is rather popular among some of the slower MRAs, by which I mean all of them. They claim that the feminist movement isn't really about equality, because they only call for change in the diversity of quote-unquote comfortable fields, such as politics, business, and STEM. According

In a world devoid of facts, history, or logic, that argument might actually make some sense. But we live in this little place known as reality, so this is not the case. Look, feminists do want power. The whole point of the movement is to empower women, for fuck's sake. That's why there's a call for more female CEOs, and more female politicians. The people who work in these fields have real clout. They can actually advocate for policies that elevate the standing of the female gender.
And, also, it's not particularly inspiring to see someone who looks exactly like you picking through trash all day. That's sad, and I'd very much like to have conversations about the relative powerlessness of the working class as opposed to the elite. But as it stands, there aren't enough women in roles that people actually respect. The way to elevate the standing of a particular group is to put them in positions of power. That way, members of that group see that they, too, can succeed. Thus begins a self-sustaining cycle of equal opportunity.
That's what feminism is really about. It's about choice, and it's about opportunity.
It's got nothing to do with taking your fucking porn magazines away, you insufferable douchebags.
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