Hello and welcome to episode six of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I inflict hard logic upon the warped version of reality perpetuated by the modern-day Neanderthals in the Men's Rights Movement. It's a dirty
, but somebody's gotta do it! Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.
Here we go. The Men's Rights Movement is on its last legs, and this meme proves it. "But Chris," you shout in disbelief, "how does the meme prove that? Regale us with
infinite wisdom, oh mighty mangina!" Well okay. If the lowly peons insist, that's what I'll do. But before I get to that, I'd like to point out that the preceding two sentences were all in service of a joke. I don't actually think that I am a god, or that my audience is made up of simple-minded sheep. I mean, come on. I'm not Vox Day.
Anyway, back to the actual substance of the meme. You need a microscope and tweezers to find it, but it is there, I promise. Basically, this thing is an MRA's final attempt at relevance. The entire movement has essentially backed itself into a corner. They can't actually refute any of the arguments made by feminists, so they try to shut us down by claiming that bashing them only makes them stronger. Since they can't compete with us on an intellectual
, so they attempt to silence us by convincing us that we're just helping them. This is because they can't help themselves. It strikes me as something that a toddler would say, and that doesn't surprise me.
Now, here's the thing. The meme in itself is not
. Our criticism of the Men's Rights Movement does in fact increase traffic to MRA sites and spreads information about their ideology. It's part of why I never link to the sites I get these memes from. But the creator of this meme is incorrect in assuming that the attention attracted by feminists is of a positive nature. In my view, the attention we draw to the MRA cause is like the attention given to a particularly gruesome car accident. It's grisly and horrible, but you just
can't look away. It's negative attention, is what I'm getting at.
Now, I've said jokingly that bad publicity is part of A Voice For Men's marketing strategy, and that may be true. I'm not entirely sure, but perhaps I really am just giving the MRAs what they want. What I know for certain, however, is that their teachings harm society, so I'm going to keep fighting the good fight. I hope you'll join me.
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