But, as is usually the case with MRA jerkwads, they just won't let me go. They keep creating these bullshit memes that hammer in misinformation like Paul Bunyan on speed. Case in point, this piece of shit:
Oh, my God. THE FUCKING PATRIARCHY. Literally the entire reason that men are held to those admittedly unrealistic and unhealthy body standards is because the mostly male ruling class has decided that men should be these emotionless, heroic meat-bags, like every role Arnold has every done. Masculinity has become warped from a protector role and into something more akin to the Hulk. The obsession with so-called 'gym culture,' is born out of desire to be seen as anything other than 'traditionally feminine,' whatever that means. And, given that most of the United States is controlled by males, it's literally impossible that women or feminists are to blame for this phenomenon.
There. That's the last time I will ever talk about the patriarchy in the context of Men's Rights. I promise.
Unless I find a really stupid meme.
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