So, season one of my series Men's Rights Memes just wrapped after twenty-two episodes. In it, I took down several common arguments made by, of course, Men's Rights Activists. I stand by everything I said in those episodes, but I do want to respond to one common criticism that I, or rather the series, has received.
Put simply, I was kind of a dick. I referred to Men's Rights Activists as 'petulant children,' 'dumb neckbeard fucks', and a host of other extremely witty names. And, again, I stand by that, but other people said that my tone was too harsh, and that MRAs would be less likely to take me seriously when I was insulting them. All right, then. I see where you're coming from. I think that debates can only work if both parties make a conscious effort to be civil. I was making an attempt at comedy with that series. If I did offend any MRAs, I apologize. It's not my fault you're all despicable misogynistic assholes. Oh, shit, I did it again.
Anyway, I'd like to take the opportunity to extend an olive branch to the MRM. In an effort to atone for my sins, I want to propose a plan that would make your movement legitimate. That's right, I'm going to help Men's Rights Activists. Please, don't click away from this post. I assure you this is not the Twilight Zone.
This will primarily deal with the MRA canard that there is a bias in family courts. Now, that's a false claim, as proven in Episode Four of my series. But if they're going to keep whining about it, I might as well give them some pointers. If you really care about granting custody to fathers, here's what you have to do.
First, stop aligning yourself with the Pick-Up Artists. For those who are blissfully unaware, PUAs are a special kind of fucked-up. Their entire movement, if it can even be called that, revolves around putting women down and tricking them into bed. Part of that involves ditching her if she becomes pregnant. You heard that right. Pick-Up Artists are literally advocating for deadbeat dads.
That doesn't exactly match up with the stated goal the MRM, now does it?
Next, come up with what I call Positive Parenting Action Plans. Essentially, devise a template. Write and publish a list of things that men can do to make their lives and their homes more conducive to child-rearing. That way, they can go to a custody court and demonstrate to the judge that they have taken steps to be a capable father.
Maybe focus on that instead of calling your ex-wife a whore on Facebook.
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