Hello and welcome to episode 21 of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I tell the assholes in the Men's Rights Movement to fuck off, only with logical arguments. Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.
Okay, here's the thing. I think this meme has some merit to it. There are a whole lot of male feminists who seem to be in it just to score some pussy, or however you want to put it. You need only to listen to the experiences of lady feminists for proof of this. However, I think that these gross, sleazy fucks are definitely in the minority, and that the argument made by MRAs is total bunk.
Basically, the practice of White Knighting is exactly what I described above. White Knights don't actually care about helping women or even discussing feminist theories. They just see women as things to stick their dicks in. Sounds a lot like most MRAs to me, if we're being honest.
The problem arises when MRAs assume that all male feminists are White Knights, and that none of them actually give a shit about women's rights. I myself have been accused of being a White Knight. The fact that I'm gay doesn't seem to matter to these guys.
See, I think that when MRAs assert that all male feminists are only in it for the potential sex, it says a great deal about their own sense of morality. It shows that they see women as nothing more than objects, and they simply can't wrap their heads around the idea that someone might thin differently.
That's really all I have to say on that topic. Thanks for tuning in.
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