Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Men's Rights Memes Episode 20: Running With Scissors

Hello and welcome to episode 20 of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I challenge the asinine statements made by the reactionary bigots who populate the Men's Rights Movement. Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.

I've been waiting for this one, because I think it showcases a rather nefarious tactic that is often utilized by MRA fucktards. When feminists bring up the practice of Female Genital Mutilation, MRAs will often jump in with cries of "What about circumcision? Why do feminists hate men? They never talk about circumcision, so they must hate men!"

Well, no. They are plenty of reasons why feminists choose to focus on FGM, like the fact that the movement is primarily concerned with helping women. But that's evidently not enough for you, so let's dive into this a bit deeper, shall we?

(NOTE: This episode is rather graphic, given the subject matter. Not for the faint of heart).

First of all, male circumcision is nowhere near as bad as female genital mutilation, or FGM. When MRAs make this point, it is often an attempt to derail the conversation about FGM. But there are very important and distinct cultural and medical reasons why the two are not the same. Male circumcision is not done to degrade or undermine the sexual impulses of boys, whereas that is the case with FGM. You could argue that circumcision does in fact result in those things happening, but it is not the intention.

Furthermore, the science suggests that there are actual medical benefits to the removal of the foreskin. Those being the reduction in the potential for Urinary Tract Infections and possibly the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. There are also instances of boys being born with foreskin that is too tight, which makes urination very painful. In those cases and others, the practice is medically necessary. Again, there is no occasion upon which FGM is ever medically necessary.

For those who don't know, FGM entails, at the very least, the removal of the clitoris, and almost always takes place without any sedatives or sterilization of the equipment. It sometimes involves the removal of the entire outer genitals, and the sewing up of the vaginal opening. This only allows for a very small hole through which to urinate and release period blood. The hole is almost never large enough, causing urine and period blood to back up into the system. Very serious medical problems can stem from this.

There are also a a host of psychological and mental problems that come from having your fucking genitals hacked away at. This might be a result of male circumcision as well, but never on the same scale. As an aside, there are many feminists, such as myself, who are against the removal of the foreskin when it is not medically necessary. Most feminists are pro-freedom-of-choice, which involves waiting until the child is old enough to make that decision for himself.

But most MRAs just flat-out ignore that last bit. It doesn't fit into their narrative of feminists being evil, conniving bitches. Might that be because that's a fucking false narrative? You be the judge!

(HINT; Yes, that's totally the reason).

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