Sunday, August 30, 2015

Men's Rights Meme Episode 15: Do You Feel A Draft?

Hello and welcome to episode fifteen of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I take a sledgehammer to the arguments made by so-called 'Men's Rights Activists', or MRAs, where 'sledgehammer' is logic and 'arguments' are incoherent, paranoid ramblings. Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.

Ah, yes. The draft argument. This archaic bit of tripe will be brought up by any MRA who is in a tight spot. Someone will have boxed them into an intellectual corner, and they will realize that they've got no way out. Then, given that most of them have about the same mental capacity as apes, they'll do what they do best: start flinging shit. This particular ball of verbal feces will often go something like this:


The MRA will often scream his points, as if the volume of his voice is directly proportional to the veracity of his claims. This, unfortunately for simpletons everywhere, is not the case.

In order to argue this point seriously, you have to ignore an absolute mountain of evidence to the contrary. Luckily, MRAs aren't all too concerned with such trivial things as 'fact,' or 'historical data.'

But there's always the off chance that I'll get through to one of these fucktards someday, so let's go down the list of reasons why the existence of the draft isn't a valid argument against feminism.

First of all virtually every instance of any all-male draft in the history of the world has been voted on by a mainly or entirely male legislature, and has been enforced by a mainly or entirely male police force. It has also been conducted by a mainly or entirely male military hierarchy.

Yet somehow it's feminism's fault. Just try to wrap your head around that one!

Further, you'd have to just conveniently forget that it was feminists who argued against the draft on both sides of the Atlantic, and that feminists have argued against the barring of open homosexuals from serving in the military. This, too, has occurred in both America and Britain.

The implicit assertion made by the MRA is that only men die in wars, and that's why the draft is a bad thing. This is patently untrue. Many women also perished, especially after the industrial revolution flipped the ratio of military to civilian deaths. Even still, rape has been used as a weapon of war, largely by men against women.

But yeah, you crazy brave keyboard warriors keep clunking away.

Further reading:

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