Friday, August 28, 2015

Men's Rights Memes Episode 11: Slurring Your Words

Hello and welcome to episode eleven of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I subject myself to the insane bullshit spewed forth by the barely-human members of the Men's Rights hate group. Why do I do it? Well, my teachers always told me I could be anything I wanted, so I became a masochist. Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.

That's right. In a first for the series, I'm featuring the same meme twice in a row. Last time, I used it to disprove the existence of a secret feminist cabal that runs the US government. But there's just so much more that's wrong with this, I can't let it go just yet.

There's a lot of misinformation about feminism contained within this meme, but I think the most insidious claim it makes is that feminists want to remove consequences from intoxicated women. No bullshitting here, reading that made me physically ill.

Feminists are not advocating that women have the right to drive drunk with no legal repercussions. What we do champion is the right for women to have fun at parties and not be sexually assaulted when passed out. Is that really too much to ask? That women not be raped?

So if you're ever looking for a way to judge the general character of the Men's Rights Movement, look no further than A Voice For Men literally blaming women for being raped. But remember, it's totally not a hate group.

For the slower members of my audience, who are more than likely MRAs themselves, that last bit was sarcasm.

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