Friday, August 28, 2015

Men's Rights Memes Episode 12: Third Degree Burn

Hello and welcome to episode twelve of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I refute the paper-thin arguments made by misogynists on the internet, because I have a lot of time on my hands. Without further ado, here is this episode's offending image.

Okay, I've finished puking all over my floor, so I'm ready to take this thing on. This is a fairly common idea that I hear MRAs bring up. According to them, gender studies degrees are useless because there are no jobs that directly require you to have one in order to apply. That might be true, but I think the assertion that they are useless presents something of a falsehood. Even if there are no jobs specifically for gender studies majors, a degree in that subject does indicate to a prospective employer that you are less likely to make off-color jokes or sexually harass your female coworkers. It also signals that you have a good standard of English, given all of the reports required for classes. Those reports, by the way, necessitate a hell of a lot of research, and the interviewer will likely know that. Having a degree in gender studies shows work ethic on top of everything else.

All of those things sound like uses for a gender studies degree to me. Isn't that just so weird?

Also, there are plenty of people who go into fields completely unrelated to their university background. Education helps to deepen our understanding of the world, and there's nothing wrong with education for its own sake. Broadening our horizons is the most important thing we can do, and gender studies courses help in that regard. Frankly, it's not at all surprising that the MRAs haven't thought about this. They're not exactly known for caring about depth or, if we're being honest, reality in general.

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