Saturday, August 22, 2015

Men's Rights Memes Episode Three: Decency? WTF Is That?

Hello and welcome to episode three of Men's Rights Meme, the show where I challenge the idiotic statements made by basement-dwelling sexists with only the most basic grasp of photoshop. I know it's in bad taste to pick on the mentally deficient, but I just can't resist. Plus, ideas like the ones showcased here are insidious. They seep into other aspects of life and ultimately become harmful to society.

That's why I do this. Without further ado, here's the offending image.

This piece of trash made me physically ill, which is why I felt it had to feature on the show. I have a pretty high tolerance for offensive bullshit, by virtue of growing up gay in America. So when something makes me literally toss my cookies, (I like cookies, don't judge), I have to say something about it. Near as I can tell, this meme was created by a lone asshole, and is not tied to any specific MRA Web Site that I know of. But I see this sentiment online and in person all the time. I'm not proud of it, but at one time, I made this exact point. I wasn't an MRA or anything, just a dumb kid who thought that he was really furthering the fight for gender equality by saying this. But I was wrong, and I have to atone for my sins somehow. Screaming about it on the Internet seems like the easiest way to do that. I don't even have to get out of bed!

This thing can be refuted very easily. With just one sentence, in fact. Don't hit people. That's really all I should need to say, but I know that the MRAs aren't typically the sharpest knives in the drawer, so I'll walk these guys through it. You ready? No, you're not. Get your finger out of your nose. There. Now I can begin ripping you apart seriously.

These bottom-feeding scumfucks seem to think that the metric by which we measure equality is whether or not you are allowed to beat the shit out of someone. Basically, unless I can commit a violent act against whoever I choose for no reason, then we don't really live in an equal society. i wonder if he feels the same way about the lynching of black people during the Civil War. Knowing how MRAs typically conduct themselves, it's probably the case that he does.

Also, hey, numbnuts, maybe you shouldn't hit anyone, because hitting someone makes you an asshole. Violence, in most contexts, is wrong. If there's anyone one message this series carries with it, it is this: Don't be an asshole. To me, that includes abstaining from slapping someone around, you fucking maniacs.

Now, I could just end this episode right here. I have refuted the meme at face value. I have accomplished the goal of this series. But I don't feel like I can walk away just yet. MRAs may be a group of petulant entitled children, and they are, but that doesn't mean I should give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he wasn't advocating the right to indiscriminately hitting whomever he wants. Maybe he's referring to domestic violence cases. Cases in which men are the victims and women are the abusers. They do exist, after all. Perhaps this person believes that because of feminism, he cannot fight back against his female abuser, even in self-defense. I don't think this is the case, but that's irrelevant.

The point is, if the mentality described above is really what's being discussed here, feminism did not cause it. In the mind of the MRA, female abusers are untouchable because feminism has placed them on a pedestal, or in a bubble, and they are immune to criticism. This, however, is patently false. The reason female abusers are untouchable is because of the patriarchy. (For the record, female abusers aren't untouchable, but let's pretend they are for the sake of argument). By that, I mean that in the patriarchy, domestic violence is something that happens to women. Men are supposed to be these strong, emotionless protectors, and getting beaten up contradicts this. It's extra blasphemous if you get beaten up by a girl. On a very broad level, male abuse victims get fucked over because they are being perceived as feminine, and our society thinks it's degrading to be a woman. Feminism is a trickle-down ideology. If it were acceptable for straight men to show emotion, or 'weakness,' as the MRAs put it, you would see a decrease in domestic violence overall.

I know that 'not being a dick,' is a hard concept for you MRAs to wrap your minds around, but I promise, if you think for a moment, you'll realize I'm right.

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