Saturday, August 22, 2015

Men's Rights Memes Episode Two: No Fat Chicks

Hello and welcome to episode two of Men's Rights Memes, the show where I take the piss out of disingenuous misogynist fuckholes. Without further ado, here's this week's offending image.

I found this thing on the MRA hate site A Voice for Men, which is curated by Paul Elam. I should probably link to their homepage here, but honestly, I don't want to give them any more publicity than I have to. Based on the content they've put out, I'm beginning to think that bad press is part of their marketing strategy. The MRM is like the Sharknado of political movements.

The meme we're looking at today is actually fairly easy to refute, so let's get right to it.

This drivel seems to be an attempt to poke fun at the fat acceptance portion of the feminist movement. It occurs to me that I've never written about that before, and today seems as good a time as any to give you my opinion on it. Rest assured, this does tie into my takedown of the meme. We'll take a slight detour and then loop back around.

I don't necessarily think that fat positivity is the way to go, as there are legitimate health concerns associated with obesity. Therefore, I done think its right for a society to encourage the practice of being fat. However, if somebody wants to eat a lot of food, or partake in other activities that might result in weight gain, then all the power to them. It's none of my business what you choose to eat or do with your body. I can't require you to look or act a certain way. As long as you're not hurting anyone, rock on.

That is, I think, the opinion of most feminists. We are advocating for personal freedom, and trying to fix a culture which would shame people into changing. This despite the fact that fat shaming doesn't work. In fact, it merely causes discomfort, which the fat person might attempt to remedy by eating. Fat shaming worsens the problem, it doesn't fix it.

Now onto the meme itself. This is yet another straw man from the men's rights movement. That, or yet more stupidity. That seems to be a recurring theme with the MRA. I can't tell if they really believe the bullshit they're spouting. The creator of the meme implies that feminism forces you to be fat, as if it's part of the feminist agenda to give women heart disease.

But, as I outlined above, this is not the case. Feminists have a live and let live attitude here. We just want you to stay out of fat people's business. Just be cool. There need not be any coercion involved. Just...don't be an asshole, man.

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